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Ballistol - GunCer Wapenolie Spray 50ml

Ballistol - GunCer Wapenolie Spray 50ml
Ballistol - GunCer Wapenolie Spray 50ml
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GunCer firearm tuning with ceramic additives

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Frais de livraison

€ 5,50

Délai de livraison estimé

5 jour(s)

€ 5,95 *
Prix par pièce

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This high-tech gun oil from Ballistol was developed specifically for marksmen, hunters and law enforcement and is suitable for all rifles and handguns.

Ceramic additives ensure the function, the performance and the accuracy of the gun and reduce the wear.

The temperature range of this high-tech gun-oil ranges from -40° C to +210° C. By The small ceramic particles the emergency operating feature extends that even up to 1000° C. Emergency mode means that the ceramic particles take the "lubricating function" even if no more oil is present.

In addition GunCer offers superior corrosion protection, is water resistant, does not resinify and contains no additions of silicone and PTFE.

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